We send medics on our most of our trips (group size dependent). They are known for their medical professionalism, caring approach and ability to muck in with the rest of the crew and help make your trip run as smoothly as possible. Most of our medics fit our trips in around their GP or hospital duties and come back on our trips time and time again. They’re a highly valued part of the DA team and help to make your experience the best it can be.
How long have you been a Doctor for Discover Adventure?
I have been working with Discover Adventure as a doctor for 30 years.
What is your favourite DA Trip?
My favourite trip is usually the last one I did - I genuinely love all of them! There are so many factors which constitute a great trip; location, the people you are with, food, climate.
If I had to choose my top three I would say:
Ho Chi Minh cycle - I love the cycling, the food and the culture it’s so vibrant. Cycling is such a great way to see the Mekong Delta. You see temples, floating markets, villages as well as interesting cultural stops with regards the Vietnam War.
Trek Kilimanjaro - the challenge is epic made extra special by the local guides with their singing, encouragement and enthusiasm. You get a real sense of Africa on this trip!
Trek to Ancient Petra, Jordan - I absolutely love this trek! It gets better and better each day with incredible geology and rock formations. Sleeping under the stars is magical sitting around camp fires and eating amazing Middle Eastern food. Arriving by foot into the back of Petra is extraordinary.
What advice would you give to someone considering their first challenge with Discover Adventure?
I would say do it... jump! You will never look back. You would be amazed what you can do. It can change your life for ever. Nerves and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone are all part of the incredible sense of achievement you will get when you succeed. Discover Adventure is there to support you in this and you can make friends for life in a way you never imagined.

What is your favourite thing about working on a DA Trip?
My favourite thing about working on a DA trip is the adventure, freedom and fun. I love the challenges and purpose it gives you. I have met some great people along the way and it allows you to truly live in the moment, everything else at home fades away.

What is your all-time favourite DA Challenge and why?
I absolutely loved trekking out in Nepal to Everest Base Camp - not just an amazing, beautiful and challenging trek, but in addition I was completely overwhelmed being in the awesome presence of the worlds highest mountain and such spectacular scenery, it was very poignant. For so many in the group it was a special "bucket-list" moment, and it was a real privilege to be able to both facilitate and share that.
Which challenge would you recommend?
Cycling London to Paris is a trip I keep coming back to do time and again. It is tough, but actually very achievable. And after 4 long days of cycling - the reward of cycling as a massive peloton down the Champs-Elysées to the Eiffel Tower is a finish not to be missed....!
What is your top tip for cycling/trekking challenges?
Pace yourself! It is really easy to think about just getting to the end and completing your goal - but when that might not be for a few days it can be very overwhelming. It is really helpful to think about breaking the challenge down into smaller, more manageable goals, and set your pace at one you can keep going without needing really frequent breaks - you cover more ground that way. I think it is useful to build into your training things which last the whole day to get you in the right mindset, rather than just short bursts of activity.